Now the maximum score of 300 starts with. The ideal weight for a female who is 5 feet 2 inches tall depends on the frame of her body. glassdoor careers Some sources cite data indicating that height/weight issues affect one out of every four enlistments. Height/Weight Measurement 8-1 50 Body Fat Percentage Calculation 8-2 50 Body Mass Index Calculation 8-3 52 Courtsey Height/Weight/Body Fat Percentage Measurements 8-4 52 Special Considerations 8-5 52 Blood Pressure Measurement 8-6 53 Heart Rate Measurement 8-7 54 Temperature Measurement 8-8 55 Air Force Height Standards. 5 If a Marine is within height/weight standards at the end of their six month assignment, they will be removed from BCP. Tattoos must be within current Marine Corps policy and will also be screened for content by the Marine Security Guard Screening Team ; r 141700z dec 22 maradmin 652/22 msgid/genadmin/cg tecom quantico va// subj/fielding of bioelectrical impedance analysis devices in support of the marine corps body composition and military. marlin 336 big loop lever ebay